The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Schüler:innen der HAK/HAS Leibnitz in Dublin

International Internship: Your Gateway to Professional Growth!

I worked at GSLS, a cash management company, for about two weeks. The tasks I performed were to create customer reports, to send emails to customers with procedures and daily reports and to update the internal database. Besides that, I also became familiar with a different workplace culture, customer service and collaboration. The knowledge I gained was the acquisition of intercultural know-how and competences, the improvement of foreign language skills, the strengthening of initiative and entrepreneurial spirit and the development of social competences such as teamwork, communication, and networking. I had the opportunity to use my extensive and cross-linked scientific knowledge as well as my practical experience in my professional field of action.

My personal highlight was the rich architecture of many old buildings, especially the St. Patrick’s cathedral. I gained a lot of new experiences that I will always remember. Even though I had to work, we had enough time to go sight-seeing and experience how people in Dublin live. I would love to go to Dublin again, because I think even though it’s a busy city, the people are very nice and there is a lot to see!

All in all, it was a great steppingstone for my career, an enriching and valuable opportunity, and an excellent addition to my resume. I would absolutely recommend it to everyone!

Maya Rogic, 3AJ

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