11 Okt. The journey to the green island

The first morning, when the rays of the sun kissed the sea, the seagulls sang their old familiar song, the green fields glittered with their dew, the flowers gave way to the warmth, and the fresh morning air cleared the body of all sorts of stress, we really felt that we arrived in Ireland. All of a sudden, all the stress of a long and nerve-racking journey was forgotten for a moment. The students of classes 4AJ and 4BJ were fascinated by the unique beauty of Ireland, which did not resemble any other known country. But it was not only the breathtaking scenery that captivated the students, the city center also left the students open-mouthed. With its many lanes, historically important buildings, double-decker buses and many bridges, Dublin had its own charm. There was not a day when the students did not explore the city center. Away from the famous shopping streets to the nondescript streets, no corner of the city was safe from the curious and adventurous Hak students. And when time went by and their feet started to hurt, Starbucks coffee houses were almost sold out. But of course the students also went to the language school in this language week and made class trips. In the language school, especially the free speech was promoted by means of discussion groups and group competitions. Each of the class trips was a unique experience in itself. The excursion, however, which burned into the memories of the students, was the hike in Howth. This excursion was the highlight of the students and is recommended to other classes. All in one had both classes of the fourth years great fun and sincerely thank the professors Kosutnik and Kerschbaumer for the planning of this trip.
Damaris Pichler, 4AJ